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English translation:
It happened in the town of Nowy Dwór on the thirtieth of October,
eighteen hundred and eighty. The rabbi of Nowy Dwór, Fajwel Barab,
appeared together with the Jew Szimsie [Shimon Alter son of Yitzhak
Yakov Ha-Levy] Tachna, bachelor, nineteen years old, son of Icek Jankiel
[Yitzhak Yakov son of Yehuda Ha-Levy] and Chana Laja [Channah Leah
daughter of Moshe Tzvi] née Cytryn married couple Tachna, residing in
the town of Mlawa, and the Jewess Zysa [Tzippora daughter of Mikhael
Ha-Cohen] Kon, unmarried, nineteen years old, daughter of Michel and
Cypra Ruchla née Waser married couple Kon, living with her parents in
the village of Nieporet*, in the local synagogal district, and in the
presence of the witnesses, Eliasz Icek Sygalowicz, seventy six years
old, and Lejb Junkier, fifty six years old, both of whom synagogue
sextons in Nowy Dwór, and testified that yesterday at five o'clock in
the evening was performed the religious wedding between the Jew Szimsie
Tachna, bachelor, and the Jewess Zysa Kon, unmarried. The wedding
preceded three banns that were announced in the local? and the Jewish
Synagogue of Mlawa on the second, ninth and sixteenth of August of the
current year and no obstruction against the wedding occurred. The
parents of the newly married gave their verbal permission to this
marriage and the newly married testified that they did not conclude any
pre-marital contract. Then this document was read to the newly
married and the present witnesses and signed by Us, the rabbi and the
witnesses, whereas the married couple and their parents testified that
they cannot write. –
Registrar and Mayor
E.J.Sigalowicz (in Polish)
Rabbi Fajwel Barab
Lejb Junkier (in Polish)
*Nieporet (Nieporent) abt. 22 km E of
Nowy Dwór