1822 Marriage Of Hersko Josko Tachna & Dwora Szeyna Srulowna

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thumbnail image English translation:

[In the margin] Zaremby, the thirtieth

In fidem Grędzien [Grendzien, the Registrar]

In the year eighteen hundred and twenty two, on the day of the twenty ninth of the month of December at four o’clock in the afternoon. Before Us, the undersigned Registrar of the Parish of Zaremby in the District of Ostrolenka (Ostrołęka), in the Province of Plock (Płock) appeared the Jew Herszko Leywkowicz with the assumed name Tachno, age nineteen according to the public akt znania* that was drawn up by the Mayor of the Municipality of Niemiery [Niemiry] on the twelfth day of the month of December of the current year and attested by the official Clerk in Ostrów representing the Royal Attorney General on the twentieth of the current month and year, and on the twentieth of the current month and year approved by the Court of Peace of the Ostrolenka District, the son of the Jews Lewko and Sosia married couple Boruchowicz**, earning his living as a scribe, staying with his parents in Zaremby Koscielne, in the presence of his parents who are giving their permission to this wedding. Also personally appeared the Jewess Dwora Izraelówna [= bat Izrael], spinster, age eighteen according to the public akt znania* that was drawn up by the Mayor of the Municipality of Niemiery [Niemiry] on the twelfth day of the month of December of the current year and attested by the official Clerk in the town of Ostrów representing the Royal Attorney General on the twentieth of the current month and year, and on the thirtieth of the current month and year approved by the Court of Peace of the Ostrolenka District, the daughter of the Jews Srol Majerowicz and Sora, married couple, staying with her parents in the village of Zaremby Koscielne, in the presence of these her parents who are giving their permission to this wedding. Those who appeared demand that we proceed to perform the wedding that they have planned, of which the banns were announced at the main entrance of our Community House: the first on the day of the fifteenth and the second on the day of the twenty second, both in the month of December of the current year, and because we have no knowledge of any obstruction uttered against this marriage, and the parents of both the parties consent to this marriage, we comply with this request, after having read all the documents that were presented to us as well as the sixth section of the Civil Code concerning marriage, we asked the future husband and the future wife, if they wish to be united in the bond of marriage, and because each of them separately replied that that is their wish, we announce in the name of the law that the Jew Herszko Lewkowicz Tachno, bachelor, and Dwora Izraelówna, spinster, are united in the bond of marriage, and that of this all we have written this document, in the presence of the Jews Moszko Bocian, age fifty, tailor, and Josko Moszkowicz with the surname Jarmuz (Jarmuż), tailor, Szmul Moszkowicz, age thirty, with the surname Nagi, Berko Joskowicz, age twenty three, with the surname Migdal (Migdał), all of them earning their living with tailoring and residing in the village of Zaremby Koscielne, being here the witnesses. Whereupon this marriage certificate was read to those who appeared, but only signed by us, as all those mentioned in the document cannot write.

 Adam Grędzien (Grendzien), Registrar

 [*akt znania - substitute birth certificate based on the testimony of two witnesses]

[**Boruchowicz – Herszko was the son of Lewko, Lewko the son of Boruch]

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