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English translation:
It happened
in the town of Mlawa on the fifth day of August in the year nineteen
hundred and two at ten o’clock in the morning.
Szymsie [Shimon Alter son of Yitzhak Yakov Ha-Levy] Tachna,
tradesman, age forty one, residing in the town of Mlawa, appeared in the
presence of the witnesses Moszek Ber Zagon, age sixty, and Zoruch
Mlawski, age fifty, both of whom synagogue sextons residing in the town
of Mlawa, and showed us a child of the male gender, declaring that it
was born in the town of Mlawa on the first of August of the current year
at twelve o’clock noon to his wedded wife Zysa [Tzippora daughter of
Mikhael Ha-Cohen] née Kon, age forty.
The child was given the names Hersz Nota [Tzvi Nutuh son of
Shimon Alter Ha-Levy]. This
document was read to the testifier and the witnesses, signed by us and
Mayor of Mlawa, Holder of the Civil Registry records.