Chajes, Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch
Cohn, Itzig Wolf (Icyk, or Izaak)
(Abt 1807-)
Aszkenazi, Chaia
Chajes, Leon
Cohn, Adela
Chajes, Adolf


Family Links

Chajes, Adolf

  • Born: 1845, Podgorze, Poland

  General Notes:

Lawyer, known as Dr. Adolf Chajes. He wrote a book about the Hebrew g rammar of Baruch Spinoza entitled: Uber die Hebraische Gramatik Spino za's (Breslau, 1869). He dedicated the book to Claudia Cohn, whom h e describes as his "grandmother." To be precise she was is step-grand mother, being the second wife o fhis grandfather, Itzig Wolf Michel Co hn. The dedication is as follows: "Dedicated in childlike gratitud e to his grandmotehr and highly esteemed educator Claudia Cohn, maide n name Berenstein."

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