Yad Vashem Pages Of Testimony


Faigeh Ruchle (nee Jacobovitz) Tachna
Fryda Taichne (Tachna)
Jeshajau Tahna (Tachna)
Juval Tahna (Tachna)
Rivke (nee Tachna) Zylberstein
Rosa (nee Tachna) Nutkevitz
Szejna (nee Tachna) Malinerzevitz
Szmul Lejb Nutkevitz
Szaja Tachna
Yishayahu Tachna
Fajga Wajnsztok
Zysla (nee Kon) Tachna

Yad Vashem is the premier place for recording and researching Holocaust material.  It was founded shortly after the creation of the State of Israel to remember the horrible tragedy of the Holocaust.

Located in Jerusalem, Yad Vashem has a department called the Hall of Names for recording the names and biographical information of those who perished in the Holocaust.  It is an important effort as those people must always be remembered.

The names listed on the left are Tachna family relatives who perished in the Holocaust and have been recorded in Yad Vashem's Hall of Names.

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